Heinen Peak


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I met some folks from The Boise TrailHeads hiking group a few weeks back on my Kepros hike and joined them on line. This was to be my first offical hike with that group. Diana Meek was the host and we were to meet at Bown Crossing at 8:00.

When Lester and I arrived, we found Mark to be the only one around. He said Diana was going to be a little late so he gave us instructions to the trail head and said they'd meet us somewhere on the trail. So Lester and I headed off.

Heinen Peak

The trail starts 7 miles past Arrow Rock dam and becomes steep right away, gaining nice views of the resivour.

Heinen Peak

We hiked about three miles, but Lester was a little short on time so we turned back. About a half mile down the trail we ran into Mark and Diana on their way up. Diana and Mark agreed to give me a ride back to Bown so Lester took my keys and we split up there. I turned around again and headed back up with my new hiking buddies.

Heinen Peak

The trail leveled out a bit but there was still quite a bit of up and down.

Heinen Peak

A person with Pine alergees would probably disagree, but the trees smelled wonderful as they wer in full bloom.

Heinen Peak

The hike was farther than any of us had expected, and we almost called it a day at one point, but we persisted and continued on up the ridge.

Heinen Peak

We ran into a group of hikers from the Idaho Mountain Society at the summit. Amoung the group was Carl and his wife, a pair that Lynette and I met on our horseback ride on Kempros a couple of weeks earlier.

Heinen Peak

We all chatted and shared sun screen for a while.

Heinen Peak

And took summit photos.

Heinen Peak

then left as one big group.

Heinen Peak