Ski to Sea

2004 Photos      

  Official Results Page


This year's Team:  

 Gladly Pay Ya Tuesday (a.k.a. Wimpy)

X-Country    Lester
Downhill     Matt
Runner    Jen
Biker    Dani
Canoe    Fred & Michelle
Mt. Bike    Dennis
Kayaker    Seth

The pre race dinner... the only one missing here is Michele. 

Four minutes before the start, and Lester is still goofing off

Lester is tied for first place!

Twenty seconds later, he's in 150th place.

Thirty seconds into the race, he's in 250th place.

Tries to look like he's working hard for the camera.

Oops!  Didn't see the camera coming this time.

At least the handoff would be easy... whenever he gets here.

Legs... on.... fire!  Rain is a good thing.

Jen's turn!  Go girl!

Look ma, no hands!  Get me out of this snow!

Rain... it's a bad thing.

Fred puts on the brakes for the photo!

Sorry about the facial disorder Fred. 

Send me a scan of the copy you bought and I'll replace this one I stole from the web.

Hi Michele!  you phantom you!

Dennis anticipating the looming mud hole.

In the mean time, we enjoy the afternoon sun in the park.

While we wait patiently for Dennis to come in.

Along with a few hundred of our closest friends.

Our number was called!  He's on his way! 

So we thought.

A half hour later, a call to Dani explained the delay. 

The canoe had just passed under the bridge, Dennis hadn't even started yet.

Okay, this time it's for real!  Run Seth run!

Only one helper please!

In the boat, no roll, this is a good thing.

Time to get serious.

Turning the last buoy  

The competition is feirce

Left the land legs in the boat

Seth Rings the bell, thus ending another great race!

After watching the max get chewed up for a while

It was time to pack the van and head home.