Front to Back

Look here my dear this is the knife">




Front to Back

Look here my dear this is the knife,
To cut you up the middle.
We're going to reach down deep inside,
So hold your breath, don't piddle.   We want to go from front to back,
To work upon your spine.
While we align you'll lay supine,
And soon you'll be divine.   Not ever having been there,
I guess I'll go for Gold.
Divine I've always wished to be,
Hold steady girl, be bold.   They'll use some bars to pry my skin,
And make just one long cut.
They want to find my broken spine,
And lift out all my gut.   A wire basket filled with bone,
To fuse my broken parts.
And then just think it won't be long,
 I’ll be shopping all the marts.   They use all kinds of doctors,
All specialties will be there.
They all have kids in college,
And I'm picking up their fare.   They'll feed me liquid gold,
In this fancy bucks hotel.
Wake me up both day and night,
Then expect me to get well.   Pack up your little toothbrush,
It'll be fun to be redone.
Oh I can hardly wait for this,
So come and join the fun.
Linda LaRae Adsitt