Has this nation gone to pot?
I may be old">





Has this nation gone to pot?
I may be old, but I've not forgot.
In day's gone by, you got old and wise,
And it sorta kept you energized.

Gram had wrinkles, and rocked in her chair.
It was okay for Gramp's to have no hair,
Now we're told when we're sixty-five,
Run out to the pool and take a dive,

Shame on you for acting so old,
Go out to work at the arches of Gold
Cut the wrinkles around your eyes
Get down to the gym and jazzercise,

Not this gal, I'll be darned if I will,
I've worked hard in life and I've paid my bill.
It was good for Gram and it's fine with me,
Cause I'm just not into climbing a tree.

My energy goes to a smile and a laugh,
Hugging Grandkids and taking a bath.
Holding Pard's hand as we walk down the road,
Feeding the deer as they stand in the cold.

I'm quite content with my life full of charm,
I'm all done shoveling the muck from the barn.
So I'll just sit and enjoy some rhymes,
And do a little dreaming in the quiet times
Linda Adsitt

copyright 1997