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I don't know if you call this stuff po-et-tree">
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I don't know if you call this stuff po-et-tree,
But what the hey, it tickles the crap out of me.
My dad lived a very good man's life, yes he did,
So none of you folks should pick on my dad's kid.
He could say more with a look,
Than most men can with a book.
Sometimes he got his point across with a belt,
He should have more often, but at the time that's not how I felt.
When I was raising my own and giving them what for,
The words came to mind,"Where have I heard that before?."
What I called discipline they now call abuse,
My kids turned out great, So I offer no excuse.
In spite of my discipline my kids love me they say,
And that's good enough for me any ole day.
They are all very happy not one is sad,
So don't be a picking on my kids dad.